We break down the stats from last night's (Friday) clash with the Parramatta Eels.
Rabbitohs | Stat | Eels |
49% | Possession | 51% |
100% | Goal Conversion % | 60% |
28 | Complete Sets | 28 |
40 | Total Sets | 35 |
70% | Completion Rate | 80% |
156 | All Runs | 168 |
1441m | All Run Metres | 1624m |
36m | Avg Run Metres Per Set | 46.4m |
106m | Dummy Half Run Metres | 129m |
2 | Linebreaks | 6 |
29 | Tackle Breaks | 39 |
4 | Offloads | 8 |
301 | Tackles Made | 311 |
84.5% | Effectiveness | 89.6% |
39 | Missed Tackles | 29 |
12 | Errors | 10 |
5 | Penalties | 10 |
Tries Alex Johnston - 2
Tackle Breaks Cody Walker - 4 |
Top Metre Gainers Angus Crichton - 177m |
Top Tacklers Sam Burgess - 34 |
Offloads Cody Walker - 1 |
Linebreaks Alex Johnston - 2 |